Nicole Elliott

About Nicole Elliott

As Operations Analyst for Benthale, McKibbin and McKnight, Nicole Elliott oversees caseload operations for six law offices and more than a dozen attorneys. In many ways, her position today mirrors what she's done all her life: meeting the challenges ahead and rising to the opportunity.


Benthale, McKibbin & Bitz Riverside Office

Joined Benthale Law in 1998

Operations Analyst

More About Nicole

Nicole was born in Germany, the daughter of an American soldier and a German mother who longed to live in the warmer confines of the United States and specifically California.

"My mom had her heart set on living in California because it was warm and sunny. It took awhile but eventually we made it here," recalls Elliott. "My dream when I was young was to become a lawyer, but it turned out to be a bit more challenging than I expected."

She had decent enough grades for college but lacked the financial backing to attend a four-year school.

"I enrolled at Riverside Community College and got a job working nights at Burger King. It was a tough schedule, but I managed to endure and work my way up to shift manager and expand my educational pursuits to pre-law."

While taking a pre-law curriculum at Platt College, in addition to her studies at RCC, she happened on an advertisement for an administrative assistant at Benthale, McKibbin and McKnight.

"I had worked my way up at Burger King, but I was more than ready to start a real career."

Nicole joined Benthale, McKibbin and McKnight in 2008 and went right to work in the Riverside Office. Her diligence and commitment to hard work did not go unnoticed.

"We were impressed with Nicole's work ethic from the very start," says Founding Partner Ed Benthale. "It wasn't long before she became an integral part of our operations."

Today, Nicole helps manages case loads for the entire staff, and works closely with Ed Benthale and Florence Aranda in overseeing general operations.

"My favorite part of the job is interacting with the people," says Elliott. "Our clients are our number one priority, and we all know that personal attention and interaction is essential to having a successful outcome. I find myself interacting with an array of people on the client side and I have to say many of them have become friends."

Nicole was appointed Operation Analyst in 2013. She currently resides in the Riverside Office of Benthale, McKibbin and McKnight.

"So many of us have been here for more than a decade and we are an extended family of sorts. While I never got to realize my dream of becoming an attorney, I feel that I've found my place in the law and I enjoy going to work every day."

Away from the office Nicole spends most of her time ferrying her son and daughter to various sporting events--pre-MLB star and cheerleader.

"I like to stay busy," she says. "One of these days I'll slow down and smell the roses, but for now there's still work to be done!"